What is the PV-WAVE HDF4 Interface?

PV‑WAVE provides an extensive interface to the HDF Group’s HDF4 (Hierarchical Data Format 4.x) C library, which is in the public domain. PV‑WAVE’s interface to the HDF4 library is fully supported by Rogue Wave; however, Rogue Wave is not responsible for questions or problems specifically related to the HDF4 library. Please direct such problems or questions directly to HDF Group (www.hdfgroup.org).

The PV‑WAVE HDF4 interface is divided into two sets of functions: convenience routines and base functions.

The convenience routines are a set of PV‑WAVE routines developed for general situations where you need to access HDF4 functionality from PV‑WAVE. The convenience routines are described in this reference. For a list of these routines, see Functional Summary of Routines.

The extensive set of base functions provides direct access within PV‑WAVE to the HDF4 library, which is dynamically linked to PV‑WAVE and invoked at runtime. The calling sequence for each base function is listed in this appendix.