ERRORF Function

Calculates the standard error function of the input variable.


    result = ERRORF(x)

Input Parameters

x—The vector for which the error function will be evaluated.

Returned Value

result—The standard error function of x. It is of floating-point data type, and has the same dimensions as x.




The standard error function is central to many calculations in statistics. The ERRORF function can be used in a variety of applications; one example is to solve diffusion equations in heat transfer problems. The error function is a special case of the incomplete gamma function. ERRORF is defined as:

ERRORF has the following limiting values and symmetries:

    erf(0) = 0

    erf() = 1

    erf(-x) = erf(x)

It is related to the incomplete gamma function by:

    erf(x) = Γ(1/2, x2)

where x 0.

See Also


The method used to determine the error function of complex operands is taken from: W. Gautschi, “Efficient computation of the complex error function,” Siam Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 7, page 187, 1970.