Standard Library function that determines the elapsed time between the values in two date/time variables.


    result = DT_DURATION(dt_var_1, dt_var_2)

Input Parameters

dt_var_1 — The date/time variable to be subtracted from. Can be a scalar or array variable.

dt_var_2 — The date/time variable to subtract. Can be a scalar or array variable.

Returned Value

result — A double-precision array containing the difference between dt_var_1 and dt_var_2 in days and fractions of days.


Compress — If present and nonzero, excludes predefined weekends and holidays from the calculation of duration. The default is no compression (0).


If the input arrays are not of the same dimension, the output will be the size of the smallest input array.


; Create two date/time variables containing February 1, 2004 
; and March 1, 2004.
DT1 = str_to_dt('01-02-2004', Date_Fmt=2)
DT2 = str_to_dt('01-03-2004', Date_Fmt=2)
diff = DT_DURATION(DT2, DT1)
PRINT, diff
; PV-WAVE prints: 29.000000
; The difference between these dates is 29 days.

See Also


For more information on date/time, see the PV‑WAVE User Guide.