DETERM Function
Standard Library function that calculates the determinant of a square, two-dimensional input variable.
Input Parameters
array — Array with two equal dimensions. Can be any data type except string.
Returned Value
result — The determinant of the square matrix of array. The result is a scalar value, of either single- or double-precision floating-point data type.
Determinants can be used to evaluate systems of linear equations.
a = INTARR(4, 4) FOR i=0L,3 DO a(i,*) = [1, i+2, (i+2)^2, (i+2)^3] PRINT, a ; PV-WAVE prints: ; 1 1 1 1 ; 2 3 4 5 ; 4 9 16 25 ; 8 27 64 125 PRINT, DETERM(a) ; PV-WAVE prints: ; 12.0000