CONE Function

Defines a conic object that can be used by the RENDER function.


    result = CONE( )



Returned Value

result—A structure that defines a conic object.


Color—A 256-element double-precision floating-point vector containing the color (intensity) coefficients of the object. (Default: Color(*)=1.0)

Decal—A 2D array of bytes whose elements correspond to indices into the arrays of material properties.

Kamb—A 256-element double-precision floating-point vector containing the ambient (flat shaded) coefficients. (Default: Kamb(*)=0.0)

Kdiff—A 256-element double-precision floating-point vector containing the diffuse reflectance coefficients. (Default: Kdiff(*)=1.0)

Ktran—A 256-element double-precision floating-point vector containing the specular transmission coefficients. (Default: Ktran(*)=0.0)

Radius—A double-precision floating-point number that corresponds to a scaling factor in the range [0...1]. Radius is multiplied by the upper radius at Z = +0.5 to give the lower radius at Z = -0.5. (Default: Radius=0.0)

Transform—A 4-by-4 double-precision floating-point array containing the local transformation matrix whose default is the identity matrix.


CONE is used by the RENDER function to render conic objects, such as caps on axes. By default, it is centered at the origin with a height of 1.0, and has an upper radius of 0.5 (at Z = +1/2) and a lower radius of 0 (at Z = –1/2).

To change the upper radius, use the Scale keyword with the T3D procedure.

To change the lower radius, use the Radius keyword. For example, Radius=0.5 corresponds to a conic object whose lower radius is one-half of the upper radius, while Radius=0.0 corresponds to a point whose lower radius is 0 (a conic that ends in a point).

To change the dimensions and orientation of a CONE, use the Transform keyword.


T3D, /Reset, Rotate=[90, 0., 0]
c = CONE(Radius=0.33, Transform=!P.T)

See Also


For more information, see the PV‑WAVE User Guide.