Standard Library function that computes the boundary of a region in an array.



    result = BOUNDARY(a,r)

Input Parameters

a—An array of n dimensions.

r—A vector of indices defining the region of a.

Returned Value

result—A vector of indices defining the boundary of r.


k—A positive integer (less than or equal to n) defining connectivity. A boundary element of r is an element of r with neighbors not in r; two array cells are neighbors if they share a common boundary point and their centroids are within the square root of k of each other. k = 1 by default, which implies neighbors share a common face.


a = INDGEN( 5, 4 )
PM, a
; PV-WAVE prints:
; 0       5      10      15
; 1       6      11      16
; 2       7      12      17
; 3       8      13      18
; 4       9      14      19
PRINT, FIX(BOUNDARY(a, [1,2,3,6,7,8,12,13]))
; PV-WAVE prints:
; 1       2       3       6       8      12      13
PRINT, FIX(BOUNDARY(a, [1,2,3,6,7,8,12,13], k=2))
; PV-WAVE prints:
; 1       2       3       6       7       8      12      13
a = BYTSCL( DIST(500) )
r = WHERE( 150 LE a AND a LE 200 )
a( BOUNDARY(a,r) ) = 0
TV, a

See Also