ATAN Function

Returns the arctangent of the input.



    result = ATAN(y [, x])

Input Parameters

y—A scalar or array.

x—(Optional) A scalar or array.

Returned Value

result—A scalar or array. For a single real input argument, result(i) is the angle (in range (–π/2, π/2]) whose tangent is y(i). For a single complex argument, result(i) is the angle (in range (–π, π]) of the complex number y(i). For two real arguments result(i) is the angle (in range (-π, π]) of the complex number (x(i), y(i)), or (x, y(i)) or (x(i), y) if x or y is a scalar.


PRINT, !Radeg * ATAN(2,3) 
; PV-WAVE prints: 33.6901
; This result is the angle (in degrees) whose tangent is 2/3.