Creating an OPI Option


This chapter is for developers who want to create optional modules that can be loaded explicitly by any PV‑WAVE user. These optional modules can be written in C or FORTRAN, and can contain new system functions or other primitives.

The primary goals of the Option Programming Interface (OPI) are:

Release Independence—Options can be released independently of PV‑WAVE.

Extensibility—New Options do not require changes to be made to the PV-WAVE kernel.

Centralized Licensing—Calls to the license manager are transparent to the Option developer and are centralized.

Option Manageability—The user can easily configure an Option, load it, unload it, and manage it.

Performance—Performance of routines developed with OPI compares well with that of regular PV‑WAVE system routines.

Hardware Independence—Options run on all supported platforms.