Application Developer Guide

This manual is for application developers who want to create Visual Data Analysis applications with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). A wide range of tools and technologies are available to the PV‑WAVEâ application developer. Choosing the best tools for your application is your first challenge. This manual contains introductory information on interapplication communication, WAVE Widgets, the Widget Toolbox, and VDA Tools. The detailed information you need to use these technologies is also included.

The topics in this guide are organized as follows:

Accessing the Operating System—Discusses the ways in which you can manipulate environment variables, logicals, and symbols from within PV‑WAVE. In addition, the SPAWN command is introduced as a way to execute external programs from within PV‑WAVE. Finally, ways to change the current directory are discussed.

Interapplication Communication for UNIX —Discusses a variety of methods for interapplication communication. For example, PV‑WAVE can execute external programs and exchange data with them. In addition, external programs can call PV‑WAVE to perform graphics, data manipulation, and other functions.

Interapplication Communication for Windows —Discusses a variety of methods for interapplication communication available under Windows.

Building VDA Tools —Describes VDA Tool architecture and outlines a method for building new VDA Tools.

Using Wave Widgets—Discusses how to create a Motif GUI using the WAVE Widgets functions.

Using the Widget Toolbox —Discusses how to create a Motif GUI using the Widget Toolbox functions.

Localizing PV-WAVE Applications —Explains how to localize VDA Tools and related applications.

Motif Widget Classes—Lists the widget classes available under Motif.

Motif Callback Parameters—Lists the required callback parameters for widget routines under Motif.

Widget Toolbox Cursors—Lists the standard and custom cursors that are available for use with the WtCursor function under Motif and Windows.

Developing Portable Applications—Discusses several portability issues, particularly with respect to WAVE Widgets applications.

Virtual Keys —Lists the symbolic constant names, hexadecimal values, and keyboard equivalents for the virtual-key codes used by the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Windows Color and Font Support—Discusses color and font support for WAVE Widgets on Windows platforms.