Interpolation and Approximation

This section contains the following topics:

Cubic Spline Interpolation

CSINTERP Function —Derivative end conditions.

CSSHAPE Function —Shape preserving.

B-spline Interpolation

BSINTERP Function —One-dimensional and two-dimensional interpolation.

BSKNOTS Function —Knot sequence given interpolation data.

B-spline and Cubic Spline Evaluation and Integration

SPVALUE Function —Evaluation and differentiation.

SPINTEG Function —Integration.

Least-squares Approximation and Smoothing

FCNLSQ Function —General functions.

BSLSQ Function —Splines with fixed knots.

CONLSQ Function —Constrained spline fit.

CSSMOOTH Function —Cubic-smoothing spline.

WgSplineTool Procedure —Widget-based interface.

SMOOTHDATA1D Function Smooth one-dimensional data by error detection.

POLYEVAL Function —Evaluates a polynomial.

WENDCOEF Function—Computes the coefficients for the Wendland polynomial of type (d,k).

POLYFITN Function —Fits a polynomial.

Scattered Data Interpolation

SCAT2DINTERP Function —Akima’s surface-fitting method.

RADBF Function —Computes a fit using radial-basis functions.

RADBE Function —Evaluates a radial-basis fit.

RBFIMSCL Procedure —Multiscale radial basis interpolation for n-dimensional data.