Initializes the structure used for computing a shuffled Faure sequence.


result = FAURE_INIT(ndim)

Input Parameters

ndim—The dimension of the hyper-rectangle.

Returned Value

A structure that contains information about the sequence.

Input Keywords

Base—The base of the Faure sequence. Default: The smallest prime greater than or equal to ndim.

Skip—The number of points to be skipped at the beginning of the Faure sequence. Default:




and B is the largest representable integer.


Discrepancy measures the deviation from uniformity of a point set.

The discrepancy of the point set:




where the supremum is over all subsets of [0, l]d of the form:


l is the Lebesque measure, and:


is the number of the xj contained in E.

The sequence x1, x2, … of points [0,l]d is a low-discrepancy sequence if there exists a constant c(d), depending only on d, such that:


for all n>1.

Generalized Faure sequences can be defined for any prime base b³d. The lowest bound for the discrepancy is obtained for the smallest prime b³d, so the keyword Base defaults to the smallest prime greater than or equal to the dimension.

The generalized Faure sequence x1, x2, …, is computed as follows:

Write the positive integer n in its b-ary expansion:


where ai (n) are integers:


The jth coordinate of xn is:


The generator matrix for the series:


is defined to be:




is an element of the Pascal matrix:


It is faster to compute a shuffled Faure sequence than to compute the Faure sequence itself. It can be shown that this shuffling preserves the low-discrepancy property.

The shuffling used is the b-ary Gray code. The function G(n) maps the positive integer n into the integer given by its b-ary expansion.

The sequence computed by this function is x(G(n)), where x is the generalized Faure sequence.


In this example, five points in the Faure sequence are computed. The points are in the three-dimensional unit cube.

Note that FAURE_INIT is used to create a structure that holds the state of the sequence. Each call to FAURE_NEXT_PT returns the next point in the sequence and updates the state structure.

state = FAURE_INIT(3)
p = FAURE_NEXT_PT(5, state)
PM, p
; This results in the following output:
;    0.333689     0.492659    0.0640654
;    0.667022     0.825992     0.397399
;    0.778133     0.270436     0.175177
;    0.111467     0.603770     0.508510
;    0.444800     0.937103     0.841843