ERFCE Function

Evaluates the exponentially scaled complementary error function.


result = ERFCE(x)

Input Parameters

x—Argument for which the function value is desired. This value must be a float or double scalar or a 1D array.

Return Value

result—Scalar or 1D array containing the exponentially scaled complementary error function values.

Input Keywords

Double—If present and nonzero, double precision is used.


Function ERFCE computes:


where ERFC(x) is the complementary error function. See the ERFC Function for its definition.

To prevent the answer from underflowing, x must be greater than:


where b is the largest representable floating-point number. To get this value, refer to the MACHINE Function in Utilities of the PV‑WAVE IMSL Mathematics Reference.


In this example, we evaluate the exponentially scaled complementary error function at x=1.0.

result = ERFCE(1.0)
PRINT, "The exponentially scaled complementary error " + $
   "function value at 1.0 is:"
PRINT, result, Format='(F6.3)'


The exponentially scaled complementary error function value at 1.0 is:
