DMEnumerateData Function

Returns the data names stored in the specified domain in the current PV‑WAVE session.


data_names = DMEnumerateData(domain_name)

Input Parameters

domain_name—A string containing the name of the domain that you wish to enumerate. If not specified (i.e., DMEnumerateData()), then the default domain ($GLOBAL) is enumerated.

Returned Value

data_names—A string array containing the data names for the data stored in the specified domain.


This function returns an empty string if there are no variables in the specified domain or if the specified domain does not exist.

To be valid, the data_name input parameter name must begin with a letter. The name is not case-sensitive, and may contain letters, underscores, and numbers.


See the example for DMSave.

See Also

DMCopyData,   DMDataExists,   DMGetData,   DMInit,   DMRenameData, DMRemoveData, DMSave, DMStoreData