PV-WAVE Foundation > Reference Guide > Functional Summary of Routines > Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Routines
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Routines
Writes out a specifically formatted “block” of HTML text.
Closes an HTML file, after end-tagging major elements.
Creates a heading, with a level specification.
HTML_HIGHLIGHT([str1, str2, ... , strn], [tag1, tag2, ... , tagn])
Allows for all the basic textual highlighting elements in HTML.
Returns a string or an array of strings containing a reference or references to image URL(s)
HTML_LINK(url, text)
Sets up links to Uniform Resource Locations (URLs).
HTML_LIST, [list_item1, ..., list_itemn]
Generates HTML code for all types of lists.
Opens the output HTML file, writes out the basic HTML information and sets an HTML output file information variable, hinfo.
Defines an HTML paragraph.
Inserts a horizontal-line separator.
Escapes special characters so that the HTML displays them as intended, rather than using them for format tagging. The escapes codes are for: <, >, &, and ".
HTML_TABLE, table_text
Writes out an HTML table.
Opens a file on the Internet to be accessed (through Java) using PV‑WAVE.