Date/Time Functions
Creates the system variable !Holiday_List.
Creates the system variable !Weekend_List.
Returns a string array containing the name of the day of the week for each day in a Date/Time variable.
Returns an array of integers containing the day of the week for each date in a Date/Time variable.
Returns an array of integers containing the day of the year for each date in a Date/Time variable.
Increment the values in a Date/Time variable by a specified amount.
Removes holidays and weekends from the Julian day portion of Date/Time variables.
DT_DURATION (dt_value_1, dt_value_2)
Determines the elapsed time between two Date/Time variables.
Prints the values of PV‑WAVE Date/Time variables in a readable manner.
Decrements the values in a Date/Time variable by a specified amount.
Converts PV‑WAVE Date/Time variables to double-precision variables containing the number of seconds elapsed from a base date.
DT_TO_STR, dt_var, [, dates] [, times]
Converts PV‑WAVE Date/Time variables into string data.
Converts a PV‑WAVE Date/Time variable to regular numerical data.
DTGEN (dt_start, dimension)
Returns an array of PV‑WAVE Date/Time variables beginning from a specified date and incremented by a specified amount.
Converts a Julian day number to a PV‑WAVE Date/Time variable.
Passes the value of the !Holiday_List system variable to the Date/Time routines.
Passes the value of the !Weekend_List system variable to the Date/Time routines.
Returns a string or array of strings containing the names of the months contained in a Date/Time variable.
SEC_TO_DT (num_of_seconds)
Converts any number of seconds into PV‑WAVE Date/Time variables.
STR_TO_DT (date_strings [, time_strings] )
Converts date and time string data to PV‑WAVE Date/Time variables.
Returns a Date/Time variable containing the current system date and time.
VAR_TO_DT (yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss)
Converts scalars or arrays of scalars representing dates and times into PV‑WAVE Date/Time variables.