Gets an HDF Scientific Data Set.
See Support for optional PV-WAVE modules to check if this function is available on your operating system.
status = HDFGETSDS (filename, data)
Input Parameters
filename—The name of the HDF file.
Output Parameters
data—An array containing values from the Scientific Data Set. The data type and dimensions for data are automatically set using calls to DFSDGETNT and DFSDGETDIMS.
Return Value
status—The status of the function call, where:
*SUCCEED (0)—Indicates success.
*FAIL (–1)—Indicates failure.
Help—If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine.
Maxrank—Maximum number of dimensions expected with this dataset. The default value is 10.
Usage—If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine. (Same as the Help keyword.)
HDFGETSDS obtains the current Scientific Data Set in an HDF file and positions the active pointer to the next SDS. This function is preferred for getting Scientific Data Sets, as it automatically dimensions and casts a PV‑WAVE array prior to obtaining the actual data.
testfile = !Data_dir + '/storm.hdf'
data = 0
status = DFSDrestart()
IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN  $
   MESSAGE, 'Failed DFSDrestart for HDFGETSDS.'
status = HDFGETSDS (testfile, data, Maxrank=100)
IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN  $
See Also
Also refer to the following routines in the HDF Reference Manual:
For more information on using the HDF interface and the calling sequence for the entire suite of HDF base functions, refer to Appendix A: PV-WAVE HDF Interface.
For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Chapter 1: Functional Summary of Routines.