EXP Function
Raises e to the power of the value of the input variable.
result = EXP(x)
Input Parameters
x—The value to be evaluated.
Returned Value
result—The natural exponential function of x.
EXP is defined as:
y = e x
If x is of double-precision floating-point or complex data type, EXP yields results of the same type. All other types yield a single-precision floating-point result.
EXP handles complex values in the following way:
exp(x) = complex(ercos(i), ersin(i))
where r is the real part of x, and i is the imaginary part of x. If x is an array, the result has the same dimensions as x, with each element containing the result for the corresponding element of x.
exp_of_1 = EXP(1)
PRINT, exp_of_1 
; PV-WAVE prints: 2.71828
exp_of_0 = EXP(0)
PRINT, exp_of_0 
; PV-WAVE prints: 1.00000
exp_of_10 = EXP(10)
PRINT, exp_of_10 
; PV-WAVE prints: 22026.5