CPROD Function
Standard Library function that returns the Cartesian product of some arrays.
result = CPROD(a)
Input Parameters
a—A list of n arrays.
Returned Value
result—An (m,n) array where result(i,*) is an element of the Cartesian product of the n arrays in a, and where result(*,j) contains only elements from a(j); result is ordered so that result(*,j) cycles through the elements of a(j) in order, and does so faster than result(*,j+1) cycles through the elements of a(j+1).
PM, CPROD( LIST( [0,1], [0,1,2], [0,1,2,3] ) )
; PV-WAVE prints:
; 0 0 0
; 1 0 0
; 0 1 0
; 1 1 0
; 0 2 0
; 1 2 0
; 0 0 1
; 1 0 1
; 0 1 1
; 1 1 1
; 0 2 1
; 1 2 1
; 0 0 2
; 1 0 2
; 0 1 2
; 1 1 2
; 0 2 2
; 1 2 2
; 0 0 3
; 1 0 3
; 0 1 3
; 1 1 3
; 0 2 3
; 1 2 3