Inspecting Your Data
To verify that your data has been correctly imported, use the INFO and PRINT commands. These commands verify the contents and format of your data.
INFO Command
To use the INFO command to view general information, type the following:
For example, this might result in the following output:
% At $MAIN$  .
Code area used: 0.00% (0/768),  Data area used: 0.60% (48/8000)
# local variables (including 0 parameters): 3/500
# common symbols: 0/0
TEST1           INT       =        3
TEST2           UNDEFINED = <Undefined>
A               INT       = Array(4, 2)
Saved Procedures:
Saved Functions:
          REVERSE         STRSPLIT
To use the INFO command to view information about files, type the following:
INFO, /files
to display information about all open files, including the LUNs, file attributes such as read/write access, and the file names.
To display information about the size and data type of a variable:
INFO, variable_name 
where variable_name is the name of the variable you want information on.
PRINT Command
To use the PRINT command, type the following:
PRINT, variable_name
to print your data values to the screen so that you can view them. In addition, you can narrow the scope of the data you look at by entering a range of values such as:
PRINT, variable_name(10:20)
Another way to verify if your data has been read correctly is to use one of PV-WAVE’s numerous graphics display tools discussed in upcoming sections.