Priority | Operator |
First (highest) | ^ (exponentiation) |
Second | * (multiplication) # (matrix multiplication) / (division) MOD (modulus) |
Third | + (addition) – (subtraction) < (minimum) > (maximum) NOT (Boolean negation) |
Fourth | EQ (equality) NE (not equal) LE (less than or equal) LT (less than) GE (greater than or equal) GT (greater than) |
Fifth | AND (Boolean AND) OR (Boolean OR) XOR (Boolean exclusive OR) |
4 + 5 * 2
(4 + 5) * 2
; The value of variable A.
; The value of A plus 1.
A + 1
; The smaller of A or 2, plus 1.
A < 2 + 1
; The smaller of A and 6; The multiplication operator (*) has a
; higher precedence than the minimum operator (<).
A < 2 * 3
; Twice the square-root of A.
2 * SQRT(A)
; The concatenation of the strings A and 'Thursday'. An error
; will result if A is not a string.
A + 'Thursday'