Creates an unamed PV-WAVE variable and returns a pointer to its Wave Variable Handle (WVH).
Any Wave Variable Handle (WVH) or Wave Structure Definition Handle (WSDH) returned from such PV-WAVE OPI interface routines as wave_get_WVH(), wave_wsdh_from_WVH() or wsdh_element() must be freed by the calling routine via wave_free_WVH or wave_free_WSDH or resource leaks will develop.
C Usage
long wave_get_unWVH(WVHptr)
WVH *WVHptr;
Not available.
Output Parameters
WVHptr—Returns a pointer to the Wave Variable Handle for the unnamed variable created by wave_get_unWVH.
Returned Status
OPI_SUCCESS—The PV‑WAVE variable was successfully created, and WVHptr is returned.
OPI_DO_NOT_PROCEED—Catastrophic errors occurred and execution should not continue. The calling C-code should do its cleaning up (free malloc’s space, free handles, etc.) and return to its caller immediately.
The wave_get_unWVH function creates a new unnamed PV‑WAVE variable for limited use in the system procedure or function. This unnamed PV‑WAVE variable is like any other PV‑WAVE variable in the currently active procedure or function except that it does not require space in the current symbol table. Since it is unnamed, it can not be accessed by the command line user.
The Wave variable handle for the unnamed variable can be used as any other Wave variable handle in any of the routines described in this document. The type, dimensions, etc., of the unnamed variable are undefined until they are defined via the wave_assign_* functions.