Selecting (Subsetting) Data
You can use the Data Selection function to subset a portion of any variable that is displayed graphically in the display area of a VDA Tool. After you select the data, a temporary variable is created to hold the subsetted data.
The basic procedure for selecting data includes these steps:
1. Click on Data Selection (or Irregular Data Selection) on the button bar, or choose Edit=>Data Select (or Edit=>Irregular Data Select).
2. Press MB1 and drag the pointer to draw a boundary around the portion of data you want to select. After you do this, the selected data is highlighted.
3. Choose File=>Export Selected Data to display the Selected Data Export dialog box. Use this to do one, or both, of the following:
*Instantiate the temporary variable as a new variable on the $MAIN$ program level of PV-WAVE. To do this, select the temporary variable name in the upper list box in the Export Selected Data dialog box. Then, click Apply or OK. If created, the variable is automatically added to the variable list.
*Export the data to another VDA Tool.
See Also