Wiener Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Computes and applies a parametric Wiener filter to an image that is either in the spatial or the spatial frequency domain.
Degradation Est.—A 2D array containing a degradation function in either the spatial or the spatial frequency domain.
Noise Est.—A 2D array containing the noise estimate of the image in either the spatial or the spatial frequency domain.
Original Image Est.—A 2D array containing the estimate of the original uncorrupted image in either the spatial or the spatial frequency domain.
Select from Lists—Click this button if you want to select Degradation, Noise, and Original Image Estimates from the list boxes.
Enter Constants—If you select this option, you can enter constants in the Degradation Estimate, Noise Estimate, and Original Image Estimate text fields.
Gamma—A scalar float that controls the least-squared error constraint of the Wiener filter.
Spatial—If specified, the image, degradation estimate, noise estimate, and original image are all assumed to be in the spatial domain. Otherwise, they are all assumed to be in the spatial frequency domain.
Zero Negatives—If selected, all negative values in the result are set to zero.
Save Filter—Select this option to save the Wiener filter. Enter a name for the filter in the Wiener Filter text field.
Create New Image—If this option is selected, the processed data is used to create a new image. Enter a suffix for the new image variable name in the text field provided.
Overwrite Image—If this option is selected, the current image is overwritten by the processed data.
Degradation Est.—If Enter Constants is selected, enter the degradation estimate in this field.
Noise Est.—If Enter Constants is selected, enter the noise estimate in this field.
Original Image Est.—If Enter Constants is selected, enter the original image estimate in this field.
Return—Specify the portion of the computed result to return.

Magnitude—Return the magnitude of the computed result.

Real—Return only the real part of the computed result.

Imaginary—Return only the imaginary part of the computed result.

Complex—Return the entire complex result.
Wiener Filter—Specify a variable to receive the computed Wiener filter. The filter is in the spatial frequency domain and is a complex array.
Variable Suffix—If the Create New Image option is selected, enter a suffix for the new image variable name. This suffix is added to the original variable name.
OK—Apply the filter and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Apply the filter, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.