Evaluates the noncentral F probability density function (PDF).
result = NON_CENTRAL_F_PDF (f, df_numerator, df_denominator, lambda)
Input Parameters
f—Scalar float value for which the noncentral F probability density function is to be evaluated. f must be non-negative.
df_numerator—Scalar float value indicating the numerator degrees of freedom of the noncentral F distribution. df_numerator must be positive.
df_denominator—Scalar float value indicating the denominator degrees of freedom of the noncentral F distribution. df_denominator must be positive.
lambda—Scalar float value indicating the noncentrality parameter. lambda must be non-negative.
Returned Value
result—The probability density associated with a noncentral F random variable with value f.
Input Keywords
Double—If present and nonzero, then double precision is used.
If X is a noncentral chi-square random variable with noncentrality parameter λ and ν1 degrees of freedom, and Y is a chi-square random variable with ν2 degrees of freedom which is statistically independent of X, then:
F = (X/ν1)/(Y/ν2)
is a noncentral F-distributed random variable whose PDF is given by:
and Γ(.) is the gamma function, ν1 = df_numerator, ν2 = df_denominator, λ = lambda, and f = f.
With a noncentrality parameter of zero, the noncentral F distribution is the same as the F distribution.
The efficiency of the calculation of the above series is enhanced by:
1. calculating each term Φk in the series recursively in terms of either the term Φk-1 preceding it or the term Φk+1 following it, and
2. initializing the sum with the largest series term and adding the subsequent terms in order of decreasing magnitude.
Special cases:
This example traces out a portion of a noncentral F distribution with parameters df_numerator = 100, df_denominator = 10, and lambda = 10.
PRO t_non_central_f_pdf 
   f = [0., .4, .8, 3.2, 5.6, 8.8, 14., 18.] 
   df_numerator = 100.
   df_denominator = 10.
   lambda =10. 
   PRINT,"    f       pdf(f)"
   FOR i=0L, 7 DO BEGIN  
      pdfv = NON_CENTRAL_F_PDF( f(i),df_numerator, $  
                           df_denominator, lambda) 
      PRINT,STRING(f(i),Format="(f5.1)"),"   ",$
 df_numerator:    100
 df_denominator:   10
 lambda:           10
    f       pdf(f)
   0.0   0.0000e+00
   0.4   9.7488e-02
   0.8   8.1312e-01
   3.2   3.6948e-02
   5.6   2.8302e-03
   8.8   2.7661e-04
  14.0   2.1963e-05
  18.0   5.3483e-06