PV-WAVE Advantage > JWAVE User Guide > JWAVE Client Development > Getting Data Back from the Server
Getting Data Back from the Server
The most common way to get data back from the JWAVE wrapper is using
JWaveExecute.getReturnData method. This method accepts one parameter: the name of the returned data. This data name is specified by the JWAVE wrapper, but if a name is not explicitly specified, the default name DATA is used. Of course, a JWAVE wrapper can return many data objects at once. You have to know the names of those objects (given in the JWAVE wrapper) to unpack them.
The method getReturnProxy is similar to getReturnData, except that it returns a Proxy object that refers to the data. This is useful when the data is stored on the server. For more information on using proxies, see Chapter 6: Managing Data.
Another method, getReturnParams, returns all of the returned data, packaged in an array of Parameter objects.
For debugging purposes, the following command can be useful:
Parameter.printInfo( myJWaveExecute.getReturnParams() );
This command prints (to System.out) the names and data types of all parameters returned by the JWAVE wrapper.
See Chapter 4: JWAVE Graphics for information on handling graphics returned from the server.