PV-WAVE Advantage > JWAVE User Guide > HTTP Configuration File
HTTP Configuration File
JWAVE uses an insecure protocol without authentication. This makes JWAVE insecure to use in an Internet facing configuration and would allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the server. If you choose to implement JWAVE in this way, you are responsible for the security of those applications that leverage JWAVE.
This sectioin describes options that you can set in a file used to configure the JWAVE HTTP Web server. The HTTP Web server is active if the property MANAGER_START_HTTP is set to TRUE in the JWAVE Configuration Tool, as described in "Using the JWAVE Configuration Tool".
By default, the location of this configuration file is:
where RW_DIR is the main Rogue Wave installation directory.
To change the default location of the jwave_http.cfg file, edit the property HTTP_CONFIG in the JWAVE Configuration Tool.
On Windows platforms, you must use two back slashes (\\) as a directory separator, rather than the normal single back slash (\). For example:
C:\\Program Files\\MyDocs
You must stop and restart the JWAVE Manager to make any changes you make to this file take effect. For example:
manager shutdown 
manager start 
Or, if you are using the JWAVE Windows Service:
net stop jwaveservice 
net start jwaveservice