Connect to an ODBC compliant data source.
See Support for optional PV-WAVE modules to check if this function is available on your operating system.
connect_handle = ODBC_DRIVER_CONNECT(env_handle, driver_info)
Input Parameters
env_handle—An ODBC environment handle, as returned by ODBC_INIT.
Driver_info—String identifying driver specific information.
Returned Value
connect_handle—An ODBC connection handle, used to identify this data source connection in other function calls. If the function fails, -1 is returned.
Auto_commit—An integer value that specifies whether to use autocommit or manual-mode.
*Manual commit mode (Auto_commit = 0) - In this mode users must explicitly use the ODBC_COMMIT function to commit any changes.
*Autocommit mode (Auto_commit = 1) - In this mode users do not have to use the ODBC_COMMIT function. All changes are committed right after the SQL statement is executed.
Output—If successful, this variable contains the completed connection string.
This function is an alternative to the ODBC_CONNECT function. It supports data sources that require more connection information.
Driver_Info is a connection string that must contain all of the required information to connect to a data source. The default system information such as system DSN will not be used by this function. Please check your driver specific documents for all the available values that can be used within a connection string.
This is an example for an SQL Server.
oid = odbc_init()
driver_info = "DSN=MyDSN;SERVER=MyServer;UID="";PWD="";DATABASE=pubs;"