PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzImage > Inverting the View
Inverting the View
Images can be inverted (vertically flipped) by choosing a different image order from the View Attributes dialog box. The image order defines the starting location for drawing the image from the lower-left image corner up (Bottom Up, the default), or from the upper-left window corner down (Top Down).
Images which are symmetrical about the horizontal centerline will show no visible difference between the two Image Order selections.
1. Select Attributes=>View Attributes to bring up the View Attributes dialog box.
2. Click MB1 on the Image Order option menu button to bring up the Bottom Up or Top Down selections.
3. Click MB1 on the image order choice to close the option menu.
4. Click Apply to accept the selection, or OK to apply the selection and dismiss the dialog box.
Only the image will be flipped; text and other graphic objects maintain their position and orientation in the image window.