PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzImage > Selected Data - Magnified Dialog Box (WzImage)
Selected Data - Magnified Dialog Box (WzImage)
The Selected Data-Magnified dialog box appears when the Magnify Selected Data button in the controls area is selected. Use this dialog box to display a magnified view of the currently selected data.
The first time the dialog box appears, the selected data is magnified by whatever magnification factor is shown on the Magnification option menu button when the Magnify Selected Data button is selected. Magnified data is automatically redrawn if a new area of data is selected in the image.
Automatic redraw does not occur if the selected data is unchanged and the magnification factor is changed. To redraw the magnified area with the new magnification, click the Redraw button on the button bar.
Dismiss—Dismiss the dialog box when you are done viewing the magnified data.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.