VOL_PAD Function
Returns a 3D volume of data padded on all six sides with zeroes.
result = VOL_PAD(volume, pad_width)
Input Parameters
volumeOn input, volume contains the 3D volume of data to pad.
pad_widthThe width of the padding around the volume. The size of the resulting volume increases by (2 * pad_width) in all three dimensions.
Returned Value
resultThe padded volume data.
For best results, process volumes with VOL_PAD before transforming them with VOL_TRANS or slicing them with SLICE_VOL. For more information, see the PV‑WAVE User’s Guide.
See the Examples section of the VOL_MARKER Procedure.
For other examples, see the vol_demo3, vol_demo4, and grid_demo4 demonstration programs in:
(UNIX) <wavedir>/demo/arl
(WIN) <wavedir>\demo\arl
Where <wavedir> is the main PV-WAVE directory.
See Also