PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzColorEdit > Using the Color Wheel
Using the Color Wheel
The color wheel is based on the HSV color model.
The color wheel only affects one color index, which is shown in the window title. A new color wheel must be opened for each additional color to be changed.
The procedure for changing a single color using the color wheel includes these steps.
1. Select the color to be modified in one of the two following ways:
*position the cross-hair pointer over the color to be modified and click MB1;
*select the color by typing the index number in the Selected Color text field.
If MB1 is used to select the color, the index number is shown in both the Selected Color text field and the Ramp Start text field.
The numerical values for hue, saturation, and value are shown in the WzColorEdit Tool, if you set the Color Model to HSV prior to selecting the color wheel.
2. Select Edit=>Color Wheel from the menu bar. A Color Wheel dialog box appears with the index number of the selected color in the title.
On the color wheel, hue is controlled by the color selection position around the circle (the Red axis is 0 degrees, the Yellow axis is 60 degrees, and so on to 360 degrees); saturation is controlled by the relative (0 to 100%) radial length from the center of the circle to the selected point; and value is controlled between 0 (dark) and 100 (bright) using the Value slider in the controls areas of the Color Wheel dialog box.
3. To modify the color, do the following:
*To change the hue and/or saturation, position the cross-hair pointer on a location in the color wheel, and click MB1 to select the new color.
*To change the value, use the Value slider. Do this by clicking MB1 in the slider track on either side of the slider (this adjusts the value setting by 10 from its previous position); or by clicking and dragging MB1 on the slider; or by clicking MB1 in the slider text field and typing in the desired value (you must press <Return> to apply the new value).
Use the Reset button to return the color wheel to its original setting at any time.
4. When you are satisfied with the color changes, click on Dismiss.