PV-WAVE Foundation > Reference Guide > U–V Routines > UNIX_REPLY Function (UNIX Only)
UNIX_REPLY Function (UNIX Only)
Standard Library function that allows PV‑WAVE to return a value or values that it has calculated to an external routine written in C.
result = UNIX_REPLY(reply)
Input Parameters
reply—A variable of any data type, except of type structure, representing the result of an operation that PV‑WAVE, as a server, has performed.
Returned Value
result—A number indicating the status of the reply operation. A return value of –1 indicates an error. Errors can also be trapped by the ON_IOERROR routine.
Return_Params—If present and nonzero, causes UNIX_REPLY to return the modified parameters to the client. The number of parameters to be sent back is the same as the number that came in with UNIX_LISTEN. This number is tracked internally by PV‑WAVE.
See Also
For more informatione, see the PV‑WAVE Application Developer’s Guide.