WAVE Widgets Routines
WwAlert(parent, label [, answers])
Creates a modal (blocking) or modeless (non-blocking) popup alert box containing a message and optional control buttons.
Destroys an alert box.
WwButtonBox (parent, labels, callback)
Creates horizontal or vertical box containing push buttons.
WwCallback(wid, callback, reason, client_data)
Adds or removes a WAVE Widgets callback.
WwCommand (parent, enteredCallback, doneCallback)
Creates a command window.
WwControlsBox (parent, labels, range, changedCallback)
Creates a box containing sliders.
WwDialog (parent, label, OKCallback, CancelCallback, HelpCallback)
Creates a blocking or nonblocking dialog box.
WwDrawing (parent, windowid, drawCallback, wsize, dsize)
Creates a drawing area, which allows users to display graphics generated by PV‑WAVE.
WwFileSelection (parent, OKCallback, CancelCallback, HelpCallback)
Creates a file selection widget, which lets the user display the contents of directories and select files.
WwGenericDialog(parent, layout [, labels] [, callback])
Creates a generic dialog box that can be filled with custom widgets.
Obtains the index of a pressed or released button passed as an event structure by a WAVE Widgets event handler.
Obtains the ASCII value of a pressed or released key passed as an event structure by a WAVE Widgets event handler.
Obtains the coordinates of a selected point inside a widget. The selected point coordinates are passed in an event structure by a WAVE Widgets event handler.
WwGetValue (widget)
Returns a specific value for a given widget.
WwHandler(wid, handler [, mask [, userdata]])
Adds or removes a WAVE Widgets event handler from a widget.
WwInit (app_name, appclass_name, workarea [, destroyCallback])
Initializes the WAVE Widgets environment, opens the display, creates the first top-level shell, and creates a layout widget.
WwLayout (parent)
Creates a layout widget that is used to control the arrangement of other widgets.
WwList (parent, items, selectedCallback, defaultCallback)
Creates a scrolling list widget.
WwListUtils(wid [, param1[, param2]])
Manages the contents of a list widget.
Handles the dispatching of events and calling of PV‑WAVE callbacks.
WwMainWindow (parent, workarea, [destroyCallback])
Creates a top-level window and a layout widget.
WwMenuBar (parent, items)
Creates a menu bar.
WwMenuItem (parent, item, value [, callback])
Adds, modifies, or deletes specified menu items.
WwMessage (parent, label, OKCallback, CancelCallback, HelpCallback)
Creates a blocking or nonblocking message box.
WwMultiClickHandler(wid, handler [, userdata])
Adds or removes a multi-click event handler.
WwOptionMenu (parent, label, items)
Creates an option menu.
WwPickFile(parent [, HelpCallback ] )
Creates a modal file selection dialog that blocks until a file name has been selected.
WwPopupMenu (parent, items)
Creates a popup menu.
WwPreview, parent, confirmCallback, clearCallback
Creates an ASCII data preview widget.
WwPreviewUtils(wid [, param1, param2, param3])
Manages the contents of a preview widget.
WwRadioBox (parent, labels, callback)
Creates a box containing radio buttons.
Queries, creates, saves, or modifies the widget resource database.
WwSeparator( parent )
Creates a horizontal or vertical line that separates components in a graphical user interface.
WwSetCursor(wid, cursor)
Sets the cursor for a widget.
WwSetValue (widget, [value])
Sets the specified value for a given widget.
WwTable (parent, callback [, variable])
Creates an editable 2D array of cells containing string data, similar to a spreadsheet.
WwTableUtils(wid [, param1, ..., param9])
Manages the contents of a table widget.
WwText(parent, verifyCallback)
Creates a text widget that can be used for both single-line text entry or as a full text editor. In addition, this function can create a static text label.
WwTimer(time, timer_proc [, userdata])
Registers a WAVE Widgets timer procedure.
WwToolBox(parent, labels, callback)
Creates an array of graphic buttons (icons).