PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzColorEdit > Saving a Custom Color Table
Saving a Custom Color Table
Any modifications made to single color locations or to a range of colors amount to customizing the color table. The “customized” color table can be used for the duration of your current PV<Helvetica_Big>‑WAVE session, and it can be saved in a directory of custom color tables for future use.
After you have modified a color table, you can save it as a custom color table for future sessions by doing the following:
1. Select Color Table=>Save Custom from the menu bar. The Save Custom Color Table dialog box appears.
If other custom color tables have been previously created, they are listed in the Custom Color Tables list box.
2. If you want to overwrite an existing custom color table with the current one, click MB1 on the existing custom color table name. Otherwise, position the pointer in the New Color Table Name text field and click MB1 to activate the cursor in the text field.
3. Type in the name for your custom color table. When you are satisfied with the name, click on OK, or press <Return> to accept and dismiss the dialog box.
This method for saving a custom color table saves only the colors in the image and plot color tables; the settings in the WzColorEdit Tool control area are not saved.
Custom color tables are saved in files that are placed, by default, in your home directory. The file .wg colors is used to hold custom image colors, and .wg plot colors holds the custom plot colors. Note that these same files are used by other PV‑WAVE procedures that are used to manipulate color tables. These procedures include WgCeditTool and WgCtTool. If you use one of these “Wg” routines to add or delete a color table, the custom color tables you saved with WzColorEdit can become out of sync and unexpected results can occur. Refer to WzColorEdit Overview for instructions on how to resolve this issue.