PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > Navigator > Restoring a Navigator Session
Restoring a Navigator Session
Restoring a session means opening a file that was created with the File=>Save Session command.
The restored session will be identical to the saved oneā€”the VDA Tools are restored with the data, graphical elements, and setups that were in effect when the session was saved.
Do not try to restore a saved Navigator Configuration File with the Restore Session dialog. This results in an error similar to:
% Identifiers can only be added or deleted at the main level: NAV_CONFIG.
% TMRESTORETOOLS: /depot/devo/wavecl/manuel/vdatools/navigator1.sav: Bad VDA Tool Restore File.
Use the Restore Configuration dialog.
To restore a Navigator session, do the following:
1. Select File=>Restore Session. The Restore Session dialog box appears.
2. In the Restore Session dialog box, enter a name for the save file (the file containing the saved session information), or use the Browse button to specify the file. By default, session save files have a .sav extension. The Browse button brings up a file selection tool that you can use to specify the directory and filename for the save file.
You can restore the same session more than once during a Navigator session. The VDA Tools from multiple restored sessions are completely independent of one another, even though they look the same and may display the same data.