PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > Navigator > Configure Menu (Navigator)
Configure Menu (Navigator)
This menu contains functions for customizing the Navigator.
Add/Remove Tool(s)—Brings up the Navigator Configuration dialog box. This dialog lets you select VDA Tools to add to or remove from the Navigator.
After adding a tool to the Navigator, exit the configuration mode and use the Defaults menu to review the settings for the added tool. Specifically, the Number of Allowable Variables setting will be set to One and Only One. This setting is not appropriate for all tools.
Delete—Remove a selected VDA Tool from the Navigator. To select a VDA Tool, click Shift-MB1 on the VDA Tool icon.
Select All—Selects all VDA Tools in the Navigator. Selected VDA Tools can be deleted or moved as a group. To move a group of selected VDA Tool icons, press and drag with MB1 or Shift-MB1.
Deselect All—Deselects currently selected VDA Tools.
Redraw—Refreshes the Navigator window.
Selected Object—Brings up the Associated VDA Tool Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you configure the settings for the selected VDA Tool Icon.
View Attributes—Brings up the View Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you change the “snap points” used to anchor VDA Tool icons in the Navigator window.