Position Keyword
Corresponding System Variable:  !P.Position
Allows direct specification of the plot window.
Position is a four-element vector giving, in order, the coordinates [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the data window. Coordinates are expressed in normalized units ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, unless the keyword Device is present, in which case they are in actual device units.
When setting the position of the window, be sure to allow space for the annotation, which resides outside the window. PV‑WAVE outputs the message:
%, Warning: Plot truncated.
if the plot region is larger than the screen or page size. The plot region is the rectangle enclosing the plot window and the annotation.
When plotting in three dimensions, the Position keyword is a six-element vector with the first four elements describing, as above, the XY position, and with the last two elements giving the minimum and maximum z-coordinates. The Z specification is always in normalized coordinate units. Note that the system variable !P.Position is only four elements.
When making more than one plot per page it is more convenient to set !P.Multi than to manipulate the position of the plot directly with the Position keyword.
The following statement produces a contour plot with data plotted in only the upper-left quarter of the screen:
CONTOUR, DIST(40), Position=[0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
Because no space on the left or top edges was allowed for the axes or their annotation, the warning message described above results.