Pattern Keyword (UNIX only)
Corresponding System Variable: None.
A rectangular array of pixels (3D for CONTOURFILL) giving the fill pattern.
If this keyword parameter is omitted, POLYFILL fills the area with a solid color. The pattern array may be of any size; if it is smaller than the filled area the pattern array is cyclically repeated.
The Pattern keyword is only available on UNIX.
To fill the current plot window with a grid of dots:
; Define pattern array as 10-by-10.
Pattern = BYTARR(10, 10)
; Set center pixel to bright.
Pattern(5,5) = 255
; Fill rectangle defined by four corners of window with pattern.
POLYFILL, !X.Window([0, 1, 1, 0]), $
   !Y.Window([0, 0, 1, 1]), /Normal, Pattern = Pattern