DIST Function
Standard Library function that generates a square array in which each element equals the Euclidean distance from the nearest corner.
result = DIST(n, [m])
Input Parameters
n — The size of the resulting array.
m — If this parameter is supplied, the function generates a rectangular Euclidean distance array.
Returned Value
result — The resulting floating-point array.
DIST generates a square array in which each element is proportional to its frequency. A three-dimensional plot of this function displays a surface where each quadrant is a curved quadrilateral forming a common cusp at the center.
The result of the DIST function is an n-by-n single-precision floating-point array, as defined by:
F(x) = x  if  0 ≤  x <  n/2
F(x) = n – 1 – x  if  x ≥  n/2
The DIST function is particularly useful for creating arrays that can be used for frequency domain filtering in image and signal processing applications.
DIST is an excellent choice when you need a two-dimensional array of any size for a fast test display.
If the optional parameter m is supplied, the result is an n-by-m rectangular Euclidean distance array.
Example 1
Use the commands:
test_arr = DIST(60)
; Display data as a 2D plot
PLOT, test_arr, Background=WoColorConvert(255), Color=WoColorConvert(0)
; Display data as a contour plot
CONTOUR, test_arr, Background=WoColorConvert(255), Color=WoColorConvert(0), $
   Thick=2.0, Nlevels=9, $ 
   C_Colors=WoColorConvert([50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250])
; Display data as a surface
SURFACE, test_arr, Linestyle=2, Background=WoColorConvert(255), $
; Display data as a shaded surface
SHADE_SURF, test_arr, Background=WoColorConvert(255), Color=WoColorConvert(0)
; Display data as an image
test_img = DIST(300)
WINDOW, Xsize=300, Ysize=300, /Free
TVSCL, test_img, 3
to create an array and display that array using multiple methods. The results are shown in the following images.
Figure 5-4: 2D Plot
Figure 5-5: Contour Plot
Figure 5-6: Surface
Figure 5-7: Shaded Surface
Figure 5-8: Image
Example 2
This example shows how to use the DIST function to filter an image.
; Read the demo image.
mandril = BYTARR(512,512)
OPENR, unit, !Data_dir + 'mandril.img', /Get_lun
READU, unit, mandril
FREE_LUN, unit
; Use the DIST function to create a frequency image of the same 
; size as the demo image.
d = DIST(512)
; Set n, the order (steepness) of Butterworth filter to use, and 
; d0, the cutoff frequency.
n = 1.0
d0 = 10.0
; Create a Butterworth low-pass filter to be applied to the image.
filter = 1.0 / (1.0 + (d/d0)^(2.0 * n))
; Filter the image by transforming it to the frequency domain, 
; multiplying by the filter, and then transforming back to the 
; spatial domain.
filt_image = FFT(FFT(mandril, -1) * filter, 1)
; Display the original image.
WINDOW, XSize=1024, YSize=512, /Free, $
   Title='Original Image (left) - Filtered Image (right)'
TVSCL, mandril, 2
; Display the resulting image.
TVSCL, filt_image, 1
See Also
For more information, see on frequency domain techniques, see the PV‑WAVE User’s Guide.