PV-WAVE Foundation > Programmer Guide > Statement Types > Components of Statements
Components of Statements
Statements may consist of any combination of three parts:
*A label field
*The statement proper
*A comment field
Spaces and tabs may appear anywhere except in the middle of an identifier or numeric constant.
Statement Labels
Labels are the destinations of GOTO statements. The label field, which must appear before the statement or comment, is simply an identifier followed by a colon. A line may consist of only a label field. Label identifiers, as with variable names, may consist of from one to 31 alphanumeric characters. The $ (dollar sign) and _ (underscore) characters may appear after the first character. Some examples of labels are:
I$QUIT: RETURN     ; Quit the loop.
; Note that comments are allowed after labels.
Adding Comments
The comment field, which is ignored, begins with a semicolon and continues to the end of the line. Lines may consist of only a comment field. There are no execution time or space penalties for comments in PV-WAVE.