PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage > Image Processing Toolkit User Guide > Image Tool > Compute Region Statistics Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Compute Region Statistics Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Perform statistical analysis of homogeneous image regions.
Region Image (optional)—Select an image to use as the “region template” for the current image. Statistics are computed for pixels in the current image underlying constant valued regions in the Region Image. The Region Image indicates which pixels compose each region in the currently loaded image.
Region Values (optional)—The values of the regions in Region Image for which statistics will be computed.
Save Stats—If selected, enter a variable name in the Stats Output field.
Variable Suffix—If Save Stats is selected, enter a suffix for the new image variable name. This suffix is added to the original variable name.
OK—Compute statistics and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Compute statistics, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.