VDA Tools > WzPreview > Manually Defining Header, Record, and Field Regions

Manually Defining Header, Record, and Field Regions
You use the mouse to indicate the placement and extent of regions ( header, records, and fields) within the display area.
Follow these steps to define any new region:
1. Clear any previously defined regions using the Clear or Clear All functions on the Edit menu.
2. Choose the Header, Record, or Field command from the Edit menu depending on which region you want to define.
3. Use MB1 to select the beginning of the region; <Shift>-MB1 to select the end of the region. Two columns of values can be associated with a complex import variable, as long as each pair of values is enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma.
4. To confirm the selection you have made, click MB3 (or if you have a two-button mouse, click the right mouse button) inside the display area. The selection is confirmed in the following way:
Header—Hollow box is displayed.
Record—Underscore is displayed.
Field—Hollow box is displayed.
Once you have successfully defined the regions, you are ready to read the data into variables.
Each time MB1 is clicked, the previously selected location is deselected, and the selection process starts over. <Shift>-MB1, on the other hand, can be clicked more than once in a row; each click of <Shift>-MB1 resets the end of the field without altering the start of the field.
See Also
Miscellaneous Information about Defining Regions

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.