VDA Tools > WzPreview > Changing the Variable Associated with a Field

Changing the Variable Associated with a Field
After you read your data, variables are created on the $MAIN$ level of PV‑WAVE. You can modify the attributes of these variables using the Attributes=>Variable function.
1. Select the name of the variable you want to modify with Attributes=>Variable=>Variable Name. The Variable Attributes dialog box appears.
2. Use the Variable Attributes dialog box to rename the variable, change its data type, or its dimension.
When naming variables using the VDA Tools, be sure to only create valid variable names. A legal variable name has the following characteristics:
*Each name must begin with a letter and may contain from one to 31 characters.
*The second and following characters may be a letter, digit, the underscore character, or the dollar sign.
*A variable name may not contain embedded spaces.
*A variable may not have the same name as a function or reserved word. A list of reserved words may be found in the PV‑WAVE Programmer’s Guide.
A variable created with a name that violates these rules will behave in an undefined manner.

Version 2017.0
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