WzImage Overview
WzImage is used to display a variable containing image data. The variable can be a 2D array containing 8-bit image data or a 3D variable containing 24-bit RGB image data.
note | The 3D variable must be a byte array with one of the three dimensions equal to 3. Avoid using the PV‑WAVE DEVICE command at the WAVE> command line when VDA Tools are running. |
WzImage Features
The WzImage Tool offers several options for enhancing the appearance of images including:
annotation using text and graphical objects
brightness and contrast adjustments for shading
color table mapping
There are also several options for enhanced viewing of the image, such as:
zooming the image in or out
magnifying a selected area of the image
2D profiling of the image intensity between two chosen endpoints, or along a vertical or horizontal slice
Using Online Help
The online Help system for this VDA Tool contains:
Reference material on the menus, button bar, and controls area of the WzImage window. To access this information, click on the links in the WzImage Contents topic.
Task-oriented information. To access this information, click on the
How To link in the WzImage Contents topic.
A glossary of terms. To access the glossary, click on the
Glossary link in the WzImage Contents topic.
Context-sensitive reference material on dialog boxes. To access this information, click the
Help button in any dialog box.
note | Don’t forget to check the message area at the bottom of the WzImage window. The message area displays helpful information about whatever task you are performing. |
Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.