Reference Guide > T Routines > TmGroupGraels Function

TmGroupGraels Function
Groups a number of selected graphical elements as one graphical element with a unique name.
name = TmGroupGraels(tool_name, grael_names)
tool_name—A string containing the unique name of a VDA Tool.
grael_names—An array of strings containing graphical element names for graphical elements associated with the specified VDA Tool.
Returned Value
name—A string containing a unique name for the group of graphical elements, e.g., GROUP_01.
This function is called when the Edit menu’s Group command is called from the graphical menu.
The first command lists all the graphical elements in a VDA Tool. The TmGroupGraels function is used to group several of the graphical elements—two rectangles and two lines—that have been added to the plot window. The function returns a unique name for the group. In the plot window, the grouped items are surrounded by a highlighted border.
PRINT, TmEnumerateGraels('WzPlot_0')
grp = TmGroupGraels('WzPlot_0', ['RECTANGLE_0', $
   'RECTANGLE_1', 'LINE_0', 'LINE_2'])
PRINT, grp              ; PV-WAVE prints: GROUP_0
See Also

Version 2017.0
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