Localizing the PV-WAVE Home Window
The Home Window is only used in the Microsoft Windows versions of PV‑WAVE.
View the Resources
1. Open the Microsoft Visual C++ Developer Studio.
note | The current version of MSVC used to build PV-WAVE and its resource files can be found in the Release_Notes.pdf file in the <RW_DIR>. Other MSVC versions or other resource editors may work, but have not been tested. |
2. From the File menu, select Open. From the Open dialog box, locate the Open As option, then select Resources from the option list.
3. Open the file wavewin2.exe, located in <RW_DIR>\wave\bin\<OS>, where <OS> is the directory that matches your PV-WAVE installation, bin.i386nt for 32-bit and bin.win64 for 64-bit.
The resources for wavewin2.exe now appear in a window.
Localize Your Resources
After the PV‑WAVE Home Window resources are displayed, you can edit them to suit your particular locale.
This section presents an example procedure for modifying a PV‑WAVE Home Window resource. Copies of all resources are made prior to localizing them to preserve the English language resources.
1. Double-click on the wavewin2.exe folder so all its subfolders are displayed.
2. Select a resource to modify. In this following example, we will modify the Menu resources.
3. Double-click on the Menu folder so its resource ID displays (in this case, 128).
4. Click the right mouse button on the resource ID (in this case, 128) and select Insert Copy from the pop-up menu.
5. Select the name of your locale from the list of languages and click the OK button.
6. Double-click on the newly created menu’s resource ID. The PV‑WAVE Home Windows menu bar will appear.
7. Double-click on a menu bar resource, for example, the File menu. The Menu Item Properties dialog will display.
8. Modify the text in the Caption field.
9. Save the new executable when you are finished modifying the resources.
The modified resource(s) will be used next time the PV‑WAVE Home Window is started.
Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.