OPI Function Definitions for PV-WAVE Variables
This section provides details on the following OPI functions:
wave_get_WVH—Gets a Wave variable handle for an existing named PV‑WAVE variable.
wave_get_unWVH—Creates an unnamed PV‑WAVE variable and returns its Wave variable handle.
wave_free_WVH—Frees memory associated with a Wave variable handle.
wvh_name—Returns the variable name of a Wave variable handle.
wvh_type—Returns the variable type of a Wave variable handle.
wvh_ndims—Returns the number of dimensions in a PV‑WAVE variable.
wvh_nelems—Returns the number of elements in a PV‑WAVE variable.
wvh_dimensions—Returns the number of dimensions and the size of each dimension.
wvh_sizeofdata—Returns the size in bytes of the data area of a PV‑WAVE variable.
wave_type_sizeof—Returns the size in bytes associated with a PV‑WAVE variable type.
wvh_is_scalar—Tests if a PV‑WAVE variable is a scalar not an array.
wvh_dataptr—Returns a pointer to the data area of a PV‑WAVE variable.
wave_wsdh_from_wvh—Returns a Wave structure definition handle for a PV‑WAVE structure variable.
wave_wsdh_from_name—Returns a Wave structure definition handle given the name of a PV‑WAVE structure variable.
wave_free_WSDH—Frees space associated with a Wave structure definition handle when it is no longer needed.
wsdh_name—Gets the PV‑WAVE structure variable name.
wsdh_ntags—Gets the number of tags in a PV‑WAVE structure variable.
wsdh_tagname—Gets the name of a PV‑WAVE structure variable tag.
wsdh_sizeofdata—Gets the size of data area associated with a PV‑WAVE structure variable.
wsdh_offset—Gets the byte offset of the data area for a named tag in a PV‑WAVE structure variable.
wsdh_element—Creates a Wave variable handle for a tag in a PV‑WAVE structure variable.
wave_error—Reports an error condition for the Option to PV‑WAVE.
wave_assign_list—Creates a new PV-WAVE LIST variable containing PV-WAVE variables passed in an array of WVH.
wvh_list_element—Retrieves a wave variable handle for a copy of a LIST element at the specified index.
wave_assign_asarr—Create a new PV-WAVE ASARR variable or modify an existing PV-WAVE ASARR variable.
wvh_asarr_element—Retrieves a copy of an element in an existing PV-WAVE associative array.
wvh_askeys—Obtains the key names for a given associative array.
wvh_is_askey—Tests whether or not a specified key exists in an existing PV-WAVE associative array variable.
Version 2017.0
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