Tutorial > Running PV-WAVE > Running on Windows

Running on Windows
Running PV-WAVE on Windows varies depending on which version of Windows you have.
To run the PV-WAVE app, do one of the following:
*On Windows versions prior to 8, you can find the PV-WAVE apps in the Start menu under Programs=>PV‑WAVE. PV-WAVE installs the PV-WAVE Home Window and PV-WAVE Console apps. Select one of these apps to start PV-WAVE.
*On Windows version 8.1 and above, you can find the PV-WAVE app listed in the all apps view. Select the PV-WAVE 2017.0 Home Window app to start PV-WAVE.
When the WAVE> prompt displays inside the PV‑WAVE window, you can enter PV‑WAVE commands.
To run the PV‑WAVE Navigator, type navigator at the WAVE> prompt.
To start PV-WAVE in Runtime mode on Windows, do the following:
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Change your directory to <RW_DIR>\wave\bin\<OS>, where <RW_DIR> is the directory PV-WAVE is installed in and <OS> is the directory that matches your PV-WAVE installation, bin.i386nt for 32-bit and bin.win64 for 64-bit.
3. Type 'wave -r application', where application is the name of the compiled procedure file, without the .cpr extension.

Version 2017.0
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