Tutorial > Running PV-WAVE > Running on UNIX

Running on UNIX
Before starting PV‑WAVE, make sure to run the setup file for your system:
*From a C shell:
(UNIX) source $RW_DIR/wave/bin/wvsetup
where RW_DIR is the directory in which PV-WAVE is installed.
*From a Korn or Bourne shell:
(UNIX) . $RW_DIR/wave/bin/wvsetup.sh
where RW_DIR is the directory in which PV-WAVE is installed.
where RW_DIR is the directory in which PV-WAVE is installed.
To start PV‑WAVE, at the operating system (OS) prompt type the following:
or to start 64-bit PV‑WAVE type the following:
wave -64
and press <Return>. The PV‑WAVE prompt appears.
This is a mode where you can interactively enter commands at the WAVE> prompt. If you see an error and PV‑WAVE does not start, refer to the PV‑WAVE Installation Guide for troubleshooting information.
For UNIX users, if you set the WAVE64 environment variable to 1, the "-64" flag will not be necessary to start 64-bit PV-WAVE.
To run the PV-WAVE Navigator, type navigator at the WAVE> prompt.
To start PV-WAVE in Runtime mode, type 'wave -r application', where application is the name of the compiled procedure file, without the .cpr extension.

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.