VDA Tools > Welcome to PV-WAVE VDA Tools! > Computer Graphics Metafile Device Options Dialog Box

Computer Graphics Metafile Device Options Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to change the print options for Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) device output.
Clip—Select either Enabled or Disabled. Specifies that all coordinates will be reduced to fit within the VDC coordinate range. This is primarily used to protect the metafile from containing coordinates which are outside the range of the VDC system.
Standard Cell ArraySelect either Enabled or Disabled. Specifies that images created with the binary output are compliant with the CGM standard. Selecting Disable may result in some non-standard cell array commands for odd-sized images. The non-standard cell array option is provided for downward compatibility.
Metafile Type—Select Clear Text or Binary file type. The default value is Clear Text. The Binary file type is machine-specific and is more difficult to transfer.
Index From Zero—If set to 1, maps the PV-WAVE color table indices directly to the CGM color table indices. That is, the indices are mapped 0 to 0, 1 to 1, and so on. If set to 0, the PV-WAVE to CGM color indices are mapped according to the Color Table Offset setting. When this field is set to 1, the Number of Colors and Color Table Offset options are disabled.
Number of Colors—Specify the number of colors in the color table. Be sure to specify the number of colors in the color table before any graphics output is written to the file. The default number of colors is 254, since the CGM standard “reserves” color indices 0 and 255.
Color Table Offset—Specify the location (or offset) of the first element in the color table. This value should be specified before any graphics output is written to the file. The default value is 1, since the CGM standard “reserves” color index 0.
Horizontal OffsetEnter a distance for the horizontal offset. Horizontal offset specifies the displacement of the graphic’s origin, usually its lower-left corner, along the output page’s short dimension. Horizontal offset specified by a positive normalized coordinate in the range {0.01.0}.
Vertical Offset—Enter a distance for the vertical offset. Vertical offset specifies the displacement of the graphic’s origin, usually its lower-left corner, along the output page’s long dimension. Vertical offset is specified by a positive normalized coordinate in the range {0.01.0}.
Scale Factor—Specify a scale factor for the output. This allows for CGM interpreters to scale the graphics output appropriately for “exact sizing”. The metric scale-factor represents the distance (in millimeters) in the displayed picture—this corresponds to one VDC unit.
OK—Save the CGM printer setups and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Save the CGM printer setups, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.

Version 2017.0
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.